Unzip Utility For Mac

  1. Unzip Utility For Mac High Sierra
  2. Unzip App For Macbook Pro
Jad - the fast JAva Decompiler

For the unzip utility, execute a similar command as shown. $ sudo apt install unzip Again, just like zip, you can confirm the version of the unzip utility installed by running. $ unzip -v How to Install Zip/Unzip in RedHa/CentOS/Fedora. Just like on Debian distributions, installing zip and unzip utilities on Redhat distros is quite simple. Unzip Files; Archive Files. WinZip is the original and world’s most popular file compression utility for Windows. WinZip Mac Edition. WinZip Mac Edition zips.

What's New

CAM UnZip is a free compressor and file extractor that works with ZIP files. It supports drag and drop to quickly open a ZIP file and can create password-protected archives. There's an interesting feature in CAM UnZip where the program can be configured to automatically run a 'setup.exe' file if one is extracted from a ZIP archive. Winzip is the world's leading zip utility for file compression, encryption, sharing, and backup. Save time and space on your Mac with Winzip.

NOTE: Jad is free for non-commercial use, but since the version 1.5.6 it's no longer free for commercial use. This means that Jad cannot be included into software products (especially decompilers) without my prior permission. If you want to use Jad (as a command-line utility or as a library) in your product(s) please contact me for conditions. At the same time, Jad can be used freely for personal needs in a commercial or non-commercial environments.

Jul 02, 2006: Minor update to version 1.5.8g for Windows and Mac OS X (Intel).
Jun 16, 2006: Added version for Mac OS X 10.4.6 (Intel).
Dec 21, 2005: changed contact email address to jad@kpdus.com.
Feb 29, 2004: Jad home page moved to /jad.html.
Dec 14, 2003: changed contact email address to kpdus@softhome.net.
Nov 23, 2001: the page moved to http://kpdus.tripod.com/jad.html.
Sep 15, 2001: updated jadAlign v1.01.
Aug 05, 2001: updated Jad 1.5.8e for Linux and Windows.
Jul 19, 2001: updated FrontEnd Plus v1.04.
Jul 15, 2001: added Jad for HP-UX 11.x.
Jul 15, 2001: updated FrontEnd Plus v1.03.
Jul 13, 2001: added jadAlign utility by Bernard Poulin.
Jul 12, 2001: updated FrontEnd Plus v1.02.
Jul 7, 2001: released the bug-fix version 1.5.8e for Windows.
Jun 18, 2001: alternative download locations removed because providing them violates the Yahoo Geocities Terms of Service.
May 19, 2001: released the bug-fix version 1.5.8d.
May 12, 2001: provided alternative download locations since many people reported difficulties with downloading Jad from Geocities (bogus authentication dialogs or 'file not found' errors).
May 06, 2001: released the bug-fix version 1.5.8c. Added versions for Mac OS X, NetBSD 1.5.
Apr 29, 2001: released the bug-fix version 1.5.8b.
Apr 17, 2001: released the bug-fix version 1.5.8a.
Apr 14, 2001: released Jad 1.5.8 (JDK 1.3-compatible) for Windows, Linux (RH 7.0) and OS/2.
Feb 20, 2001: updated FrontEnd Plus v1.00.
Nov 14, 2000: added Jad 1.5.7g for Linux (Sparc).
Oct 15, 2000: released the bug-fix version 1.5.7g. Added FrontEnd Plus v0.08.
July 7, 2000: updated FrontEnd Plus v0.07.
July 6, 2000: added Jad 1.5.7f for BeOS 5.0.
July 4, 2000: added Jad 1.5.7f for FreeBSD 4.0 and OpenBSD 2.7. Updated the Linux versions of Jad.
June 29, 2000: released the bug-fix version 1.5.7f for Windows, Linux (RH 6.2), Solaris 8 (Intel), Solaris 7 (Sparc) and OS/2.
June 23, 2000: added Jad 1.5.7e for OS/2. Added FrontEnd Plus v0.06.
June 19, 2000: released the bug-fix version 1.5.7e. Added one Q&A.
June 10, 2000: updated FrontEnd Plus v0.05.
May 25, 2000: updated FrontEnd Plus v0.04.
Apr 26, 2000: updated FrontEnd Pro v0.03.
Mar 15, 2000: updated FrontEnd Plus v0.02.
Mar 14, 2000: added decompile.el, an add-on to JDE for GNU Emacs.
Jan 18, 2000: released the bug-fix version 1.5.7d. Added one Q&A.
Jan 13, 2000: FrontEnd v1.02 was replaced with FrontEnd Plus v0.01. Added link to FrontJad - another GUI for Jad.
Jan 10, 2000: released the bug-fix version 1.5.7c.
Dec 29, 1999: updated version for Rhapsody 5.3 (fixed the 'incorrect magic' error).
Dec 20, 1999: added version for Rhapsody 5.3 (Power Macintosh, compiled by gcc Added two Q&As to the FAQ section.
Dec 13, 1999: added a third-party GUI interface for Jad and links to other Jad-based decompilers.
Dec 04, 1999: released the bug-fix version 1.5.7a. The version for Linux compiled on RedHat 6.1.

For the list of differences from previous versions click here.

Jad main features

Unzip Utility For Mac

Jad is a Java decompiler, i.e. program that reads one or moreJava class files and converts them into Java source files whichcan be compiled again.

Jad is a 100% pure C++ program and it generally works several times fasterthan decompilers written in Java.
Jad doesn't use the Java runtime for its functioning,therefore no special setup is required (like changes to the CLASSPATH variable).

Jad can be used:

  • for recovering lost source codes;
  • for exploring the sources of Java runtime libraries;
  • as a Java disassembler;
  • as a Java source code cleaner and beautifier.

Jad expects that supplied Java class files are valid ones, i.e. they can pass the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) verification successfully.

The Jad main features:

  • Enhanced readability of the generated source code.
  • Ability to comment Java source code with JVM bytecodes. Useful for verification and educational purposes.
  • Full support for inner and anonymous classes.
  • Fast decompilation and simple setup.
  • Automatic conversion of identifiers garbled by Javaobfuscators into valid ones.
  • Free for non-commercial use. If you would like to use Jad for commercial purposes, please contact me for conditions.

Known bugs and limitations

  • In certain cases when decompiling classes which contain inner classes,Jad cannot reliably sort out the extra arguments added to classconstructors by Java compiler. In those cases Jad cangenerate constructors with an incorrect number of arguments orcan fail to declare some local variables as final.
  • ZIP and JAR files are not supported.However you can unzip those files and decompile the whole class tree. Use the instructions from Readme.txt.
  • In those rare cases when Jad is unable to fully decompile constructs like labeled blocks with breaks or nested loops with inter-loop break/continue statements it generates the source with labels and goto statements whichreflects program's control flow and displays the message 'Couldn'tfully decompile method <name>'. Also when Jad couldn't reconstructall try-catch-finally statements it displays the message 'Couldn'tresolve all exception handlers in method <name>'.
  • Currently Jad ignores the contents of the Line Number Table Attributeand the Source File Attribute.
  • Currently Jad makes no use of the Java class hierarchy information. Consequently, Jad always chooses java.lang.Object as a common superclass of twodifferent classes and inserts auxiliary casts where necessary.
  • Jad doesn't handle inlined functions well.

Download Jad

Jad has a 'beta' status (see Disclaimer). Please send bug reports with attached .class files to me.

To download Jad click on links below.
These files are ZIP archives, save them with the extension .zip and verify file sizes after download.
If you get the error 'File not found', refresh the page.

Unzip Utility For Mac

Jad 1.5.8g for Windows 9x/NT/2000 on Intel platform (238600 bytes).
Jad 1.5.8g for Mac OS X 10.4.6 on Intel platform (170707 bytes, compiled by GCC 4.0).
Jad 1.5.8e for HP-UX 11.x (293214 bytes).
Jad 1.5.8e for Linux on Intel platform (214917 bytes).
Jad 1.5.8e for Linux (statically linked) (389972 bytes) - take this version if the one above crashes or displays the 'seek error' message.
Jad 1.5.8d for OS/2 (288717 bytes) - OS/2 version was cross-compiled on Windows using EMX and RSXNT packages, therefore it requires EMX runtime (EMX.DLL should be enough).
Jad 1.5.8c for FreeBSD 4.0 (322311 bytes) - statically linked.
Jad 1.5.8c for OpenBSD 2.7 (334499 bytes) - statically linked.
Jad 1.5.8c for NetBSD 1.5 (324440 bytes) - statically linked.
Jad 1.5.8c for Solaris 8 on Intel platform (264751 bytes).
Jad 1.5.8c for Mac OS X (Darwin 1.3) on PowerPC platform (266264 bytes).
Jad 1.5.7g for Linux on Sun Sparc platform (180606 bytes). Many thanks to Mr. J. Harding who offered an user account on his Sparc computer.
Jad 1.5.7g for Linux on Sun Sparc platform (346221 bytes) - statically linked.
Jad 1.5.7f for Solaris 7 on Sun Sparc platform (318096 bytes) - compiled on Sun 4m (Sparc10) using GCC 2.8.1, statically linked. Works on Solaris 2.6 as well. Many thanks to Mr. R. Volpe, NY who provided an user account on his Sparc computer.
Jad 1.5.7f for BeOS 5.0 on Intel platform (245422 bytes) - statically linked.
Jad 1.5.7b for Mac OS X (Rhapsody 5.3) on PowerPC platform (372317 bytes).
Jad 1.5.7a for Solaris 7 on Intel platform (252582 bytes) - try the version for Solaris 8 instead.
Jad for AIX 4.2 on IBM RS/6000 platform (360970 bytes).


Unzip jad.zip file into any appropriate directory on your hard drive.
This will create two files:


- an executable file named 'jad.exe' (Windows 9x/NT/2000) or 'jad' (UNIX)

- README file 'Readme.txt', which contains the short user's manual

For UNIX users: make 'jad' executable: chmod a+x jad

No further setup is required.

Graphical UIs and utilities for Jad

FrontEnd Plus is a graphical decompiler for Windows 9x/NT that uses the command-line version of Jad as its decompiling engine. FrontEnd Plus is written and supported by Martin Cowley (reflectonus@blueyonder.co.uk).

Click here to download the latest version of FrontEnd Plus (v.1.04). The size of the zip archive is 784820 bytes.

Graphical decompilers that use Jad as their decompiling engine:
FrontEnd Plus - http://www.reflectonus.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/download.htm [02/29/2004: page not found]
NMI's Java Code Viewer - http://www.trinnion.com/javacodeviewer [02/29/2004: Discontinued]
Decafe Pro - http://decafe.hypermart.net
mDeJava - http://molesoftware.hypermart.net [02/29/2004: site not found]
FrontJad - http://www.ire.pw.edu.pl/~mszklan/frontjad.htm [02/29/2004: page not found]
DJ Java Decompiler - http://members.fortunecity.com/neshkov/dj.html
Cavaj Java Decompiler - http://www.bysoft.se/sureshot/cavaj
JavaDecompiler - http://iago-soft.iespana.es/iago-soft/jdecompiler/jdecompiler.htm (in Spanish) [02/29/2004: page not found]
JadClipse, Jad plugin for Eclipse IDE - http://sourceforge.net/projects/jadclipse

decompile.zip - an add-on to the Java Development Environment (JDE) for GNU Emacs. It automatically decompiles a class file and offers you a buffer to view or edit it. The add-on is written and maintained by Ingo Koch (ingo.koch@ikoch.de).
VajDecompiler - http://www.ibldesign.com/lorin/VAJDecompiler.shtml - Jad frontend for VisualAge for Java
decomp.zip - yet another LISP code for Emacs that runs Jad on the current buffer. Contributed by R. Mecklenburg.
jadAlign v1.01 is an utility created by Bernard Poulin (bernard@acm.org) that re-alignes Java source files produced by Jad. The resulting file can then be used for source-level debugging (i.e. stepping in the code). The size of the archive is 20942 bytes.
JADClassFileNode - an open tool by A. Sazonov that replaces the built-in decompiler in JBuilder.
JASM - Java disassembler module for NetBeans IDE.
JavaDecompiler.vim - plugin for VIM editor by David Bowers.


Q1: Is the source code of Jad available?

A1: Currently I have no plans to release the Jad source code for any purposes including porting to other computer platforms.

Q2: What is the option -dead for?

A2: This option forces Jad to decompile the dead portions of bytecode.For example, non-optimizing compilation of the following code can produce the dead bytecode:This option should be on by default, but the incorrect dead bytecode can crash Jad.

Q3: Why does Jad fail to generate the throws clause in the method declarations like the one in

A3: This throws clause is represented in the Java class files by the Exceptions attribute. The Java Virtual Machine itself doesn't use these attributes (well, at least, the common implementations of JVM), so they can be stripped out of the Java class files. Jad has no way of restoring this information in full if it's missing from the class file.

Q4: Why does Jad generate weird-lookingstatic fields like class$java$lang$Float and static methods class$(String)?

A4: These fields/methods are the internal representation of the<classname>.class expression and automatically generated by compiler. For example, java.lang.Thread.class is translated into the following: This is fixed in 1.5.8. The explanation for the previous versions: Jad doesn't convert all that back to the original expression, but apparently the Sun JDK 1.2 compiler is able to compile 'the long format' successfully. JDK 1.3 compiler doesn't accept names containing class$, so in order to recompile the decomplied class you need to change all expressions similar to the conditional expression above to <classname>.class and remove static methods/fields whose names start with class$.

Q5: Jad refuses to decompile my class file saying 'Class file version mismatch'. What can I do?

A5: Use -debug option. Jad then complains about the version mismatch, but attempts to decompile the file anyway. Note that this works starting from the version 1.5.6e.

Q6: Jad fails to decompile my class file, it spits out a bunch of gotos and JVM instructions. Why is that?

A6: There could be several possible reasons: the class file has been obfuscated or it was produced by non-JDK Java compiler or some functions were inlined by Java compiler. Generally Jad works best with class files generated by Sun Java compilers. If you encounter such a behaviour, please send me a bug report with attached .class files.

Q7: How to decompile jar or zip archive with classes?

A7: 'Unjar' (jar xvf <jarfile>) or unzip (using unzip or WinZip) the archive into a directory on your hard drive. Then see the next answer.

Q8: How to decompile the whole class tree?

A8: Run On Unix the last argument should be in single quotes. For more information please read Readme.txt.

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Q9: Why do I get 'Class <<ambiguous>>List not found' from the compiler?

A9: There are two List classes: java.awt.List and java.util.List. If Jad generates two import directives: and your class actually uses the List class, the compiler will complain. Prior version 1.5.7d use the command-line option -pi to prevent Jad from combining the import directives.

Q10: How to make the command-line options -ff -nonlb -space -t to be on by default?

A10: Use the environment variable JAD_OPTIONS to permanently override the default settings. The example for Windows:

Q11: How to extract Java classes from an executable file (.exe)?

A11: Use the Java-Split utility written by the Decafe Pro team. Download it from http://decafe.hypermart.net/javasplit.htm.
Or use J++Extract from http://www.multimania.com/dolmen/productions.

Q12: What does the error message 'JavaClassFileParseException: Invalid tag value 0x0' mean exactly?

A12: It means that your file is not a valid Java class and Jad was unable to parse it successfully. Either the file was broken (for example, during download) or the package this class belongs to contains a custom Java class loader that modifies (or decrypts) Java classes after reading them into the memory. In both cases Jad cannot decompile this file as it is.

E-mail for contacts

If you have any questions, bug reports or comments regarding Jad, please send e-mail to jad@kpdus.com.


Copyright 1997-2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. All rights reserved.

This page has been visited many times since December, 1997

Unzip Utility For Mac High Sierra

Zip 3.00 was released on 7 July 2008. WiZ 5.03 was released on 11 March 2005. UnZip 6.0 was released on 29 April 2009. MacZip 1.06 was released on 22 February 2001. See the Zip, UnZip and WiZ pages for current status and download locations. Unzip Utility For Mac

In addition, a new set of discussion forums was set up in October 2007. These replace the older QuickTopic forum, which was overrun by spam. (The spam postings have since been deleted, but further posts to the old forum are permanently disabled.)

Info-ZIP is a diverse, Internet-based workgroup of about 20 primary authors and over one hundred beta-testers, formed in 1990 as a mailing list hosted by Keith Petersen on the original SimTel site at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

Info-ZIP's purpose is to provide free, portable, high-quality versions of the Zip and UnZip compressor-archiver utilities that are compatible with the DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE, Inc.

Info-ZIP supports hardware from microcomputers all the way up to Cray supercomputers, running on almost all versions of Unix, VMS, OS/2, Windows 9x/NT/etc. (a.k.a. Win32), Windows 3.x, Windows CE, MS-DOS, AmigaDOS, Atari TOS, Acorn RISC OS, BeOS, Mac OS, SMS/QDOS, MVS and OS/390 OE, VM/CMS, FlexOS, Tandem NSK and Human68K (Japanese). There is also some (old) support for LynxOS, TOPS-20, AOS/VS and Novell NLMs. Shared libraries (DLLs) are available for Unix, OS/2, Win32 and Win16, and graphical interfaces are available for Win32, Win16, WinCE and Mac OS.

Info-ZIP code has been incorporated into a number of third-party products as well, both commercial and freeware. Some of the more interesting ones (well, historically speaking) include the use of UnZip code in the unzip.dll distributed with IBM's OS/2 Warp BonusPak and WebExplorer, as part of the reinstallation code for the IBM Aptivas preloaded with OS/2 Warp, and as part of IBM's Infoprint product. Sun used Info-ZIP's self-extractor to distribute the NT version of their HotJava browser, Novell uses UnZip for NetWare 6 installation, and SAP includes it in Business One. Various Windows products such as WinZip and the DynaZIP DLLs incorporate Info-ZIP code, too. And let us not forget Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), an excellent encryption program that uses Info-ZIP code as a first step in encrypting files. Info-ZIP's primary compression engine has also been spun off into the free zlib compression library, used in Netscape/Mozilla/Firefox, the Linux kernel, Windows, Java, virtually all PNG-supporting software, and countless other products.

Info-ZIP can be reached by a web-based form, but you'll have to read our Frequently Asked Questions page to find out how. Our two primary web sites are hosted by our very own Hunter Goatley and by the most excellent SourceForge. Secondary distribution sites are hosted by the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network.

Info-ZIP Downloads

UnZip - for extracting and viewing files in .zip archives. Also includes: (UnZip documentation)
  • ZipInfo - for detailed zipfile information (Documentation)
  • fUnZip - for extracting in a pipe (Documentation)
  • UnZipSFX - for creating self-extracting archives (Documentation)
Zip - a compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles. Also includes: (Zip Documentation)
  • ZipNote - for adding/deleting comments to zipfiles (Documentation)
  • ZipSplit - for splitting zipfiles (Documentation)
  • ZipCloak - for encrypting and decrypting (with optional zcrypt add-on package) (Documentation)
WiZ - a combination Zip/UnZip graphical front end for Windows platforms.
MacZip - a combination Zip/UnZip graphical front end for Mac OS.

Info-ZIP Links

  • Info-ZIP License - our new(er), BSD-like (i.e., very liberal) license
  • Info-ZIP FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about how and where to download things, what about commercial usage, and anything else we think of
  • Info-ZIP Mailing Lists - how to subscribe to our announcements list (very low traffic) or general discussion list (relatively low traffic)
  • Info-ZIP Internet Sites - we're everywhere! we're everywhere!
    • web pages:
      • www.info-zip.org (US) - Info-ZIP's home site
      • infozip.sourceforge.net (US) - Info-ZIP's home site 2
      • www.ctan.org (US) and CTAN mirrors[FROZEN]
      • www.mirrorservice.org (UK)
      • info-zip.ipmedia.de (Germany)
    • files:
      • sourceforge.net (US, Ireland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, etc.; source and (some) current binaries) - Info-ZIP's home site
      • ftp.info-zip.org (US) - Info-ZIP's other home site
      • www.mirrorservice.org (UK)
      • tug.ctan.org (US) [FROZEN]
      • ftp.tex.ac.uk (UK) [FROZEN]
      • ftp.dante.de (Germany) [FROZEN]
  • Info-ZIP People - who we are, where we are and what we do (below)
  • Info-ZIP Rogue's Gallery - scary (old) pictures of us
  • Info-ZIP News - recent news and happenings involving Info-ZIP and/or its members
  • Zip 'Imposters' - other programs called Zip
  • Related Links - other compression and archiver resources, such as PKWARE and PNG

Info-ZIP People

The core Info-ZIP group consists of programmers from six countries on three continents:

  • Ed Gordon (US); Zip maintainer
  • Christian Spieler (Germany); UnZip maintainer; Win32, DOS
  • Mike White (US); WiZ maintainer; Windows DLLs
  • Dirk Haase (Germany); MacZip maintainer
  • Michael Cleary (US?); MVS
  • Hunter Goatley (US); VMS, mailing list administrator, primary web-site host
  • Ian Gorman (Canada); VM/CMS, MVS (OS/390 Base)
  • Greg Hartwig (US); VM/CMS
  • Jonathan Hudson (UK); SMS/QDOS, VMS
  • Paul Kienitz (US); Amiga, Win32
  • Johnny Lee (Canada); DOS, Win32
  • Steve P. Miller (US); Windows CE
  • Keith Owens (Australia); MVS, Fujitsu MSP
  • Kai Uwe Rommel (Germany); OS/2
  • Steve Salisbury (US); Win32
  • Steven M. Schweda (US); VMS
  • Dave Smith (UK); Tandem NSK
  • Cosmin Truta (Canada); Zip and UnZip maintenance releases
  • Onno van der Linden (Netherlands); former Zip maintainer
  • Paul von Behren (US); OS/390 OpenEdition

If you're brave enough, you can check out the Info-ZIP Rogue's Gallery and see what some of us (used to) look like. It's fairly hideous.

Former members of the core Info-ZIP group (i.e., those who no longer even pretend to be active) include:

  • Mark Adler (US); original Zip author; UnZip decompression
  • John Bush (US); Amiga, Solaris
  • Karl Davis (Australia); Acorn RISC OS
  • Harald Denker (Germany); Atari, MVS
  • Jean-loup Gailly (France); Zip compression; former Zip maintainer/co-author; Unix, DOS [aussi en français]
  • Robert Heath (US); Windows GUI
  • Chris Herborth (Canada); QNX, BeOS, formerly Atari
  • David Kirschbaum (US); original UnZip maintainer
  • Igor Mandrichenko (Russia/Ukraine); VMS
  • Sergio Monesi (Italy); Acorn RISC OS
  • Rainer Nausedat (Germany); 64KB deflate
  • George Petrov (Netherlands); MVS, VM/CMS
  • Greg Roelofs (US); former UnZip maintainer/co-author; Unix, OS/2, DOS, early VMS port
  • Antoine Verheijen (Canada); Macintosh
  • Rich Wales (US); original Zip co-author

In addition, Info-ZIP would like to tip our collective hat to Samuel H. Smith, the gentleman who wrote the original MS-DOS unzip on which Info-ZIP's UnZip 3.0 was based--and who kindly made the source code available for free. Even though virtually all of his code has by now been rewritten from scratch, Info-ZIP still owes Mr. Smith a debt of gratitude for getting us into this mess. A package of virtual chocolate-chip cookies is in the e-mail.

Last updated 8 July 2008. Web page (occasionally) maintained by Greg Roelofs, but please direct all comments and questions to the Info-ZIP authors at the address/bug page given in the FAQ. Copyright © 1995-2008 Greg Roelofs.

Unzip App For Macbook Pro